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Energy Saving Tips

WINDOWS AND DOORS: Seal cracks in your windows, doors and ducts with caulk and weatherstripping to keep cool or warm air inside your home.

THERMOSTATS: Save up to 10% a year on heating and cooling by turning your thermostat back 7°-10°F from its normal setting for 8 hours a day. Use a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust temperature settings with your daily routine, such as when you’re asleep or away from home.

AIR FILTER: Clean or replace filters regularly to keep your HVAC system working efficiently.

BLINDS: Close the blinds and curtains during summer days to keep heat from the sun out, and open them during winter days to bring the sun’s heat in.

FANS: During the summer, run fans counter-clockwise to circulate cool air, which can help you feel cooler without making your A/C work harder. During the winter, run fans clockwise to force warm air down from the ceiling.

DISHWASHER: Wash full loads in the dishwasher instead of by hand, and let your dishes air dry rather than running a heated dry cycle. This will save water and energy.

LIGHTBULBS: Replace incandescent light bulbs with newer LED models. Lighting accounts for about 15% of an average home’s electricity use.

WATER HEATER: Set your water heater maximum temperature to 120°F to save on water heating costs.

DRYER: Clean your lint screen and dryer ducts regularly, and use a dryer with a moisture sensor to save energy.

CLOTHES WASHERS: Only run full loads of laundry, or use a load-sensing washer to save water.

FAUCETS AND SHOWERHEADS: Install low-flow showerheads and sink faucet aerators to help save water and energy.

BATHROOM: Check for leaky faucets and toilets, and fix any issues quickly. Even a small leak in your toilet’s flapper can waste hundreds to thousands of gallons of water in a single month.

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